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China Wholesale Platform

DHgate.com is the world’s leading online wholesale platform for goods made in China, connecting international buyers with Chinese wholesale sellers who offer the same quality products found elsewhere at a fraction of the price. DHgate hosts over 30 million products in a wide range of categories including Apparel & Accessories, Computers & Networking, Consumer Electronics, Toys & Hobbies, Health & Beauty, Bags & Jewelry, Home, Auto, and more. Get low prices on top selling products such as but not limited to wedding dresses, tablet pc, and cell phones. DHgate provides a buyer protection plan, a secure refund policy, express delivery, and shipment tracking, and is committed to providing a fast, easy, and safe buying experience to businesses and consumers worldwide.


DHgate.com At a Glance


Who is DHgate.com ?

DHgate.com is DHgate.com, the world’s leading online marketplace for wholesale consumer products.

What does DHgate.com do?

DHgate.com provides the easiest and most cost effective all-in-one solution for your business. DHgate.com enables anyone to buy and sell products in bulk globally by providing secure payment services, logistics solutions, escrow protection services, and internet financing.

When to ship my order?

The seller is the supplier and direct shipper of your order. Once the order is placed, a supply and preparation time is needed before the package can be shipped. In general, the package must be shipped before the estimated shipping time, which can be viewed on the order detail page. Otherwise you can cancel the order directly on a PC computer. To know the expected shipping date, you can contact the seller directly by Message from the order concerned.

How to cancel an unpaid order?

You can cancel an unpaid order directly under Awaiting Payment section of My Orders page.

Step1. Go to My Orders and select Awaiting Payment section.

Step2. Select the order you want to cancel, click Cancel Order button.

When to ship my order?

The seller is the supplier and direct shipper of your order. Once the order is placed, a supply and preparation time is needed before the package can be shipped. In general, the package must be shipped before the estimated shipping time, which can be viewed on the order detail page. Otherwise you can cancel the order directly on a PC computer. To know the expected shipping date, you can contact the seller directly by Message from the order concerned.

When and where can I get/receive my refund?

When your order status becomes “Refunded’, the system will process your refund request within 1-2 business days, and then the refund will be returned to your account. Please refer to the following form for the specific time of arrival.